How to Make: Healthy Lentil Tacos Recipe (Crock Pot) +Benefits Holistic Nutrition
Crock Pot Lentil Tacos
Raise your hand if you love tacos? You can't see it but I'm raising my hand right now. I've been really loving lentil tacos lately! And I have a delicious healthy crock pot lentil taco recipe to share today. This recipe is so flavorful and easy, you'll be eating these tacos every week! Trust me, even my kiddos love eating these tacos!
Just last week, I was having a great 1:1 personal training session with a client and we started talking about the best foods to eat to avoid insulin spikes and other diabetic symptoms. A key food that helps balance sugar spikes is beans and lentils because they are packed with fiber, magnesium, and potassium.
I found a great article that spells out more holistic benefits and how eating beans helps to control blood sugar. And let's be honest, blood sugar spikes happen to us all, not just folks who have a formal diabetes diagnosis. We can all practice eating smart to feel our best. Thank you to the Harvard Medical School article below!
Crock Pot Heaven:
I will be the first to say that I love to eat delicious beautiful meals. I will also quickly add my disclaimer that I will not stand over a stove all day when there are so many other fun things I can go and do instead. This lentil taco recipe is great for a busy day where you just want to have a delicious meal to come home to after a long day. You can even prep the mixture in under 5 minutes and complete the taco mixture in under 2 hours of cook time!
Lentil Taco Filling Recipe:
1 1/2 Cups Dry Red Lentils (pre-washed)
1 Chopped White Onion
3 Tbsp. Minced Garlic
1 Vegetarian Boulion Cube
1 Taco Seasoning Packet
3 Cups of water
Be sure to pre-wash your lentils. Place all ingredients in the crockpot. Cook on high for 1 hour. Turn the crockpot temperature to low for 1-2 hours until the lentil mixture is tender and cooked through. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the lentil taco filling over a salad or over gluten-free corn tortillas. I love to top my tacos with fresh avocado, siracha creme, lime juice, jalapenos, salsa, and tomatoes. Enjoy!
Did you enjoy this Easy Holistic Meal? Comment below! Help me pick my next easy delicious holistic meal by sharing suggestions in the comments, or contact me directly to share other ideas for future posts!
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Wishing you all the best,
Brandi J.
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